Wednesday, April 8, 2009

NA cheerleaders in Florida competition

NORTH ARLINGTON – The North Arlington High School Varsity Cheerleaders recently competed in the 2009 Ameri-Cheer International Cheerleading competition held at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL. The team competed in the Medium Varsity Mount Traditional division and placed fourth in the nation. In the stunt group division, Danielle Choinski, Ashley Herrmann, Sara Alfano, Erin Lewis & Cortney DeClesis, placed first and were named National Champions. Brianna Sabato competed in the individual competition division and won second place. These athletes begin their season in August and work through both football and basketball seasons while perfecting their routine for the grueling Competition season that culminates at Nationals in March. The team is coached by Jessica Jacobson and with the support of the Cheerleading Parents Association, the season was a rousing success. Pictured from left to right on bottom row; Jaclyn Sheedy, Joelle Centanni, Rebecca Ryan, Tina Eng, Sara Alfano; middle row; Ashley Herrmann, Cortney DeClesis, Brianna Sabato, Alyssa Rodriquez, Irbeth Hate, Danielle Choinski, Erin Lewis top row; Victoria Anacleto, Captain Brittany Herrmann, Captain Ashley Marie Monica, Jamie Gray.