Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thanks from Commissioner Giangeruso

To the Publisher:

I would like to thank the residents of Lyndhurst for their overwhelming support in the recent election. My colleagues and I have worked very hard over the past four years to improve our town and make it a better place for everyone. I am excited to have the opportunity to continue making a difference and look forward to our future together.
As Commissioner of Public Safety, I am dedicated to protecting you and your family. Along with the top notch members of the Lyndhurst Police Department, Fire Department, and Emergency Squad, we are committed to keeping Lyndhurst’s streets safe, and providing the support and assistance its citizens deserve.
I am extremely proud of this town and what we have accomplished. The tight community bond, sense of spirit, and wonderful neighbors make Lyndhurst a very special place. Thank you for once again giving me the opportunity to serve as a Commissioner.

Commissioner Robert Giangeruso
Director of Public Safety