North Arlington Health Department,10 Beaver Ave., announces the following programs scheduled for this month: Blood Pressure / Health Risk Assessment is available on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 1 to 2:45 p.m No appointment is necessary. The next dates are Oct. 13 and 27.
Child Health Conference, Free Immunization and Well Baby Care will be available or infants and pre-school children, by appointment, on Thursday, Oct. 15.
A free Women’s Breast Health Program is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 14, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Senior Center in conjunction with Clara Maass Medical Center and the North Arlington Women’s Club. A light dinner will be served. Registration is required.
A flu vaccine program is also being planned. The dates to be announced.
For information and appointments call the Health Department AT 201-955-5695.
Child Health Conference, Free Immunization and Well Baby Care will be available or infants and pre-school children, by appointment, on Thursday, Oct. 15.
A free Women’s Breast Health Program is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 14, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Senior Center in conjunction with Clara Maass Medical Center and the North Arlington Women’s Club. A light dinner will be served. Registration is required.
A flu vaccine program is also being planned. The dates to be announced.
For information and appointments call the Health Department AT 201-955-5695.