Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Energy Saving Bill


TRENTON – Governor Jon S. Corzine today signed legislation encouraging public entities, including the State, counties, municipalities, school districts, and public colleges, to implement energy savings improvement programs. The bill will help public agencies reduce their energy consumption and realize financial savings.
“The bill I am signing is a win-win for our state,” said Governor Corzine. “Towns, schools, counties and public colleges can now become more energy efficient and save money when they retrofit their buildings and enter into long-term energy contracts with no additional costs. At the same time, our larger Energy Master Plan goals as a State are also being fulfilled. Not only will this new law help reduce our carbon emissions, it will make local government more cost-efficient and create jobs immediately to limit the impact of the recession on New Jersey.”
Through the new program, public organizations will be able to contract with energy services companies to implement the energy saving measures. The money saved through the reduction in energy expenses will defray the cost of energy infrastructure improvements. Public agencies will have the ability to benefit from the acquisition of new, efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment, as well as other energy-saving improvements without the need for large upfront capital expenditures.
In April 2006, Governor Corzine signed Executive Order 11 centralizing State government’s own energy efficiency, energy use reduction, and energy procurement by creating the Office of Energy Savings within Treasury. The overarching goal of the Office for the State is to reduce energy usage by 10 percent by 2012 and by 25 percent by 2020.
Currently, there are 26 energy efficiency projects in progress through the Office of Energy Savings, ranging from energy audits to construction and installation of new equipment.