Monday, March 16, 2009

Lincoln School Annex are saving lives

Back Row: Mrs. Damiano, left, Samantha Costa, Hailey Naranjo, Alexia Garrison, Raphael Krause-Palit, Ana Fabrega

Students at Lincoln School Annex are saving lives with the power of the penny

Students at Lincoln School Annex in Harrison are making a difference and saving lives for the second year in a row. They have collected pennies for “Pennies for Patients” to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society during the month of February. After just 3 weeks of students bringing in their spare change to school, donating baked goods for a school-wide bake sale, and purchasing paper “pennies”, the total amount raised was $1768.51! We would like to say a special thanks to Valley National Bank in Harrison for counting all of the coins each week and Staples in Lyndhurst for donating paper pennies to sell.
The top fundraising class was Mrs. Manning’s 4th grade class. They donated $382.17 and won a Domino’s Pizza Party. The second place class was Mr. Barone’s 5th grade class, raising $334.60 and winning an ice cream party. “I am so proud of all of our students,” said Nadine Damiano, teacher and fundraising coordinator at Lincoln School Annex. “The students learned that they can make a difference and every penny counts. They did a fantastic job of giving selflessly to help children and others battling blood cancer.”
According to Mrs. Damiano, the students’ efforts will help local patients and their families along with funding blood cancer research. Leukemia causes more deaths than any other cancer among children and young adults. An estimated 832,349 Americans are living with a blood cancer, and every five minutes, someone new is diagnosed. Since 1992, $3.9 million has been raised locally by thousands of elementary, middle and high school students, just like the students at Lincoln School Annex. These students serve as an example to all of us through their commitment to helping others! EVERY PENNY COUNTS!!!